Illegal immigration justice with compassion

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

With the retirement of the Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy people are expressing hopes and fears. Complaints and concerns are expressed in the media, by politicians, and on the Internet. Recently, there was the stir about the handling of justice with illegal immigrants crossing the border with children.

Democratic Party Failures

The Senate Democratic Party leadership has hindered the cause of justice in our society by delaying the filling of judicial positions by qualified people nominated by President Donald Trump.  This is a big factor in causing backlogs of court cases. This is also a factor in why it takes a while to process illegal immigrants with children. Another part of the problem is the laws passed under President Clinton with support of Democratic legislators requiring certain procedures in processing illegal immigrants that caused the separation of children from adults with the intent of protecting the children.  Since the Obama administration applied a catch and release philosophy and declined to uphold the law and prosecute illegal alien adults with children, they incentivized illegal aliens to bring children with them and put them in harms way.

Restoring Law and Order with Compassion

When the Trump administration began upholding the laws and dis-incentivized illegal immigration with children, the Democrats got all in an uproar over upholding the laws they passed.  The intent of the Trump administration of was to protect the children, not harm them. In accordance with the law, they separated children from the law breaking adults that brought them into the country illegally.  While they could have handled the public relations better, they were within their legal rights and had honorable intentions in protecting the children with compassion.

Concerned about children brought illegally into the USA? Check out this reasonable analysis on solutions from National Review and contrast it with Jesse Watter’s review of the disingenuous comments of Democrat Party leaders that caused the problem and refuse to fix it.

It would also be good for you to review Charles Krauthammer’s solution for the country’s immigration woes.

The government is in place to uphold the laws. The church is in place to offer compassion to those who are suffering.  Christians should respect constitutional laws. Also they should work with charities to care for the unfortunate. Finally, the should work peaceable to change laws that are not helpful to our society.

We need more conservative senators to move forward at a national level with policies with proven success in conservative states. I pray you vote Republican and encourage others to do so.


In July of 2019,  there has been some recent positive movement in improving immigration laws from the President as mentioned in this U.S. News & World Report article.

Unfortunately for law abiding citizens, the Democratic members of Congress are blocking sensible reforms as mentioned in the NY Post.

Urge your members of Congress to support Senator Rand Paul’s immigration reform bill “Backlog Elimination, Legal Immigration, and Employment Visa Enhancement (BELIEVE) Act” (S. 2091) discussed in this CATO article.

Also please urge your representatives to pass legislation to require migrants requesting asylum to present themselves to a U.S. government office.  That could include a point of entry or U.S Embassy or Consulate. They must request asylum in the first safe county they pass through or the last one before the USA.  Anyone entering the USA illegally would then be processed as criminals and deported or jailed as appropriate.  Then the numbers of illegal border crossings would drop dramatically.  Also this would help address the humanitarian crisis generated by the flood of illegal border crossings.  The reform legislation should also allow the Border Patrol Agents to detain adults with children longer. Particularly if there is difficulty determining if they are related, perhaps up to 120 days or more.

Read more on Government Stewardship

government stewardship - Illegal immigration justice with compassion

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Religious Freedom – Judicial Abuse

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

With the retirement of the Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy people are expressing hopes and fears. Complaints and concerns are expressed in the media, by politicians, and on the Internet.  This includes some controversy as to whether or not or how soon the replacement justice would help overturn Roe v. Wade.   Some politicians said they would vote against a nominee if they believed they would overturn that decision.  One of the potential nominees was unfairly attacked for her faith by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein decrying “dogma lives loudly in her” during her hearings on an appointment. This was an example of religious freedom judicial abuse. I recently read a book on the foundations of our country in regards to God and the Constitution. Also I read one describing the differences between modern conservatism and liberalism.

In God and the Constitution: Christianity and American Politics, author Paul Marshall analyzed several factors involved in how our society has changed in its views of religion, government, and justice and how they relate to one another.  Our country vastly recognized the importance of encouraging religious practice and discouraging government interference for most of its history.  Marshall pointed out:
One key change came in 1947 when Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black used Jefferson’s extra-constitutional metaphorical language of “the separation of church and state” as the key to the First Amendment.

Religious Freedom and Judicial Abuse and Assault

This decision began the significant assault on religious freedom by the judiciary that disregarded the original intent of the phrase. It disregarded the concept of equal treatment before the law and the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness declared in the Declaration of Independence.  When Jefferson wrote that letter to a church he intended that phrase to indicate protection of the church from government intrusion or mistreatment.

Since then, judges have made a number of unconstitutional decisions including banning the Holy Bible as a primary source for education, banning voluntary school prayer by school staff.  Also more recently denying small business owners the right to maintain their religious convictions and decline to participate in immoral and unhealthy sexual practices.  No law passed by congress mandated those practices, so the courts did not have grounds to deny those practices. As the first amendment to the constitution states:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I pray the next Supreme Court Justice will restore the right to religious freedom that previous courts have denied.  The Senate Democratic Party leadership has hindered the cause of justice in our society. They have delayed unfairly the filling of judicial positions by qualified people nominated by President Donald Trump.  This is a big factor in why there are backlogs of court cases to be settled.

We need more conservative senators to speed up putting more judges in place that honor the Constitution and religious freedom.  I pray you vote Republican and encourage others to do so.

Read more on Government Stewardship

government stewardship - Religious Freedom Judicial Abuse

See also my resources on Christianity

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Government stewardship and Military support

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

Government and the military

This week I created separate pages for Government stewardship and Military support to encourage good government and honor our military.

The Government stewardship page includes watch dog organizations and links to government resources to help  you contact your representatives to encourage them to work for the good of our country.

The Military support pages includes help for education and job search for military and veterans as well as resources for family members.

government and the military - public citizen

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