Trids and the Giant/Ogre

Last updated on February 18th, 2018

I was recently thinking about misspellings being part of jokes and found a few variations on a joke I got by email long ago.  Below are the variations I found recently on a giant or ogre.


The Trids and the Giant

submitted  by laughoutloud830

Once in a land far, far away there lived a group of people called Trids. The Trids were happy except for a giant that lived on the mountain. The giant would often terrorize the Trids.

The Trids, tired of the giant, sent a group led by the community’s minister to reason with the giant. But before they could even say one word the giant kicked them down the mountain. The Trids thought maybe this was because the giant was Catholic, so they sent another group, this time led by the local priest. But alas, as they approached, the giant once again kicked them all down the mountain.

The Trids were upset until they thought that perhaps the giant was Jewish. Unfortunately, no Trids were Jewish, so they asked a rabbi of a different community for help. The Rabbi led a group of Trids up the mountain. The giant saw them coming and kicked all of them, except for the Rabbi, down the mountain. The Rabbi, knowing the giant’s past, wondered why he alone had not been kicked down the mountain, so he asked the giant. The giant laughed and replied

“Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids!”



Once upon a time, in the middle of the ocean, there was the Island of Trid.
It seems that most of the Island of Trid was covered by a large mountain. On this mountain lived a Giant. The Giant did not allow Trids on his mountain. If a Trid dared to climb onto the mountain, the Giant would kick him into the ocean. Trids are notoriously bad swimmers, and frequently drowned when kicked into the ocean.
The Trids were a very sexual people, and the population had grown quite large. Every square inch of the island, except the mountain, was crowded with Trids.
The Trids spent their days crowded together, dreaming of the open space available on the ever visible mountain. Every few days, a Trid would decide he couldn’t stand the crowds any more. He would start to climb the mountain, and the Giant would kick the Trid into the ocean.
The Trids were a very depressed people.
One day a traveling Rabbi visited the Island of Trid. Despite their overcrowded conditions, the Trids were extremely generous to this man of God.
The Rabbi decided to return the favor, and to go plead the Trid’s case to the Giant. “Surely the Giant can be convinced to share some of the mountain with you,” the Rabbi explained.
The Trids were horrified. “Please don’t go, Rabbi”, the Trids implored. “The Giant will kick you into the ocean, and you will surely drown.”
The Rabbi was stubborn, and insisted that he talk to the Giant. The Trids sent out every boat they had. They formed a ring around the island, so that they would be able to rescue the Rabbi.
The Rabbi started walking towards the mountain. No sign of the Giant.
He walked through the foothills, and there was no sign of the Giant.
He started up the slopes of the mountain, further than any Trid had ever been. Still no sign of the Giant.
Finally he reached the summit of the mountain. There the Giant was waiting for him. The Rabbi asked “Tell me Giant, why have you allowed me to climb to the top of the mountain, without kicking me off the moment I started climbing?”
And the Giant replied, “Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids!”

There once was a town called Trid. The townspeople had a happy life, exept for one thing. There was a mountain right next to the town. On that mountain there lived an ogre. Whenever the Trids went up the mountain to herd their sheep, the ogre would kick them down – literally.
One day, a foreign rabbi came to Trid. The Trids told him about the ogre. The rabbi said, “I’ll see what I can do.”
The rabbi went up to the ogre. The ogre looked at him, but didn’t do anything. The rabbi said to the ogre, “”How come you kick down the people of Trid, but not me?”
The ogre replied, “Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids!”

There once was this group of strange beings called Trids. The Trids were only about a foot long, and the lived in a valley next to a hill. Every day they would climb the hill to gather berries and other plant foods.
At the top of the hill lived an Ogre that always kicked the Trids down the hill.
Finally, the leader of the Trids called a local Rabbi to come help them get food and to talk to the ogre. The Rabbi stood behind a tree on the hill and watched the Trids climb up the hill.
All was fine, until the Ogre popped out of a cave and one-by-one kicked the screaming Trids down the hill.
The Rabbi scaled the hill and asked the hideous creature why he kept kicking the Trids.
The Ogre looked over at the Rabbi and simply replied, ”Silly Rabbi, Kicks are for Trids.” ‘



Contact me

When I think of Giants, I think of two other things:

Facing the Giants – the movie

David and Goliath – the heroic story from the Holy Bible

Previous funny email: Hot Air Balloon

Next funny email: Resignation As An Adult

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2 thoughts on “Trids and the Giant/Ogre”

  1. This was an amusing twisted play on words on the old cereal advertisement, “Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids” I had the cereal at least once, but I prefer Cheerios from General Mills.

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