2020 Virginia Beach Conservative Candidates

Last updated on September 29th, 2020

There is a Christian responsibility to vote in the Virginia Beach election 2020 for the more godly and honorable candidates for election.  The very term election originated in voting for the person that is more devout to the Christian faith and more likely to be part of the elect of God, those who have been reborn in Christ.  Some of them are swayed by the liberal media and false advertising. I pray you will choose to be part of the group to vote for these 2020 Virginia Beach Conservative Candidates.

Additionally, those mature in the Christian faith, Barna Research categorizes as evangelical.  They have a commitment to living their lives on biblical principles and standards.  Also they demonstrate a devotion to God that includes showing God’s love by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They tend to educate themselves on the candidate’s positions in light of biblical truth and standards.

Vote in the Virginia Beach election 2020 from a biblical and Christian perspective

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Some churches make efforts to avoid talking about politics. Others encourage voter registration drives.  Even further, some distribute voter guides or even talk about biblical values in the pulpit.  If our government is to become more civil and fiscally conservative, more Christians need to encourage others to vote with biblical convictions. We need to encourage one another to vote smart. We need to be better stewards of government.

The Republican Party may not perfect, but the Party Platform includes a push to restore the right to life.  There are voter issues we should discuss and encourage others to consider from a Christian perspective.  Take time to talk about the election, pray for wisdom, vote, and pray for our government leaders.

2020 Virginia Beach Candidates for national office

Daniel Gade for U.S. Senate

Second District U.S. Congress – Scott Taylor for House of Representatives

City Council Conservative Candidates

Rosemary Wilson for the At-Large seat

Eric Wray for Centerville District (Facebook)

Jessica Abbott for Kempsville District

Michael Berlucchi for Rose Hall District

2020 Virginia Beach Conservative Mayoral Candidates

Bob Dyer (Incumbent)

Richard Kowalewitch (R.K.)

2020 Virginia Beach School Board Conservative Candidates

Victoria Manning – At Large Candidate (Incumbent)

Luis Cortes III – Centerville District

Jennifer Franklin – Kempsville District

Joanna Moran – Rose Hall District

These candidates want to put Virginia Beach Students First.

Last and certainly not least:

President Donald J. Trump for re-election with Vice-President Mike Pence

Additional resources for Virginia Beach Conservatives

My page on Government Stewardship.

Voter issues that can help Republicans win.

Also you may want to check out some Republican groups on Facebook. Virginia Beach Young Republicans
Virginia Beach Republicans

Please check out the Family Foundation of Virginia.

You can learn more at The Princess Anne Independent News about how differently nonpartisan office elections are handled by the Democratic and Republican parties.

According to the Virginia Public Access Project, it looks like Eric Wray will have the toughest race.

Finally, please let me know of any other conservatives in Virginia Beach running for election in 2020. I hope this list helps you elect Libertarian and Republican candidates for Virginia Beach city offices, and other local and state offices.

This collection has not been paid for or put together by any candidate or campaign.

2020 Virginia Beach Conservative Candidates school board, city council

If you liked these 2020 Virginia Beach Conservative Candidates, you may also be interested in these good Books, Authors, and Publishers

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Party Politics

This past week was the Republican National Convention where President Donald Trump accepted the nomination of the party to run for re-election in November. The Republican convention highlighted the dangers of government overreach by Democrat leaders and public manipulation by the liberal media. It also highlighted the success of the Trump administration to improve the economy, the military, and criminal justice. Also Trump improved judicial appointments, and the rights of the people including the unborn. It highlighted effectiveness over party politics.

There was a stark contrast with the Democratic National Convention where they made repeated Ad Hominem attacks on the President. The Democratic Party politicians promoted tax increases, huge deficit spending, larger government control, reduced freedoms, restricting rights, and the expanded killing of the unborn. They promote sexual immorality and privilege instead of protecting the rights of freedom of religion, free press, and free speech.

Huckabee on TBN

This week on Huckabee on TBN, they had a number of quality guests.

Former Wisconsin Governor, by Scott Walker commented on the conventions and his last book, “Unintimidated: A Governor’s Story and a Nation’s Challenge

Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout” by Dr. Rick Rigsby Ph.D.
Afraid To Hope: Discovering the courage to dream again” by Dr. Rick Rigsby

The Three Cs that Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism, and the Constitution” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel

Also on the show was Comedian Jonnie W – Combining music, off-beat standup, and a skewed view of the world unfolding around him, Jonnie crafts a comedy experience that you and your family will be quoting

Huck’s Hero – Gil Schaenzle’s mission: running in all the national parks in honor of her daughter Anna Rose lost to cancer. She is an advocate for NET Cancer Awareness and families dealing with cancer.

Performing at the end of the show was country music singer Kelly Lang

Finally, for more on this topic and party politics, visit my page on:

Party Politics - Government Stewardship
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Respecting People and MLK

Last updated on February 9th, 2020

I have a dream. One day the vast majority of people will treat others with the respect and dignity they deserve. Would you like to be a part of this? The next step forward in this dream is when you reflect on the events of the past two weeks and do your part respecting people.

Respecting People’s Religious Rights

President Donald Trump recognized Religious Freedom Week last week by reminding the federal government to respect their religious rights. The Department of Education sent guidelines to states and school administrators reminding them to respect the first amendment rights of students and faculty. This includes the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion.

How could you do more to respect people’s religious rights? You could start by not avoiding the topic in discussions. Be curious about other’s religious beliefs and listen respectfully. If asked about your religious beliefs, follow the advice in 1 Peter 3:15.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

You can also subscribe to email alerts from organizations that work to protect religious freedom like the Virginia Family Foundation and the ACLJ. Then contact your government representatives to urge them to do the right thing.

MLK and Respecting People’s Race

On Monday our nation remembered Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. He had a dream that one day the law would treat all people equal regardless of the color of their skin. As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he encouraged everyone to treat others with respect. The Holy Bible declares that God created all people in His image. Christians and Jews therefore should treat people with respect.

How can you help respect race? We are all part of the human race. Remembering this should help you avoid or minimize bigotry and prejudice. You can participate in service projects that intentionally mix people of different cultures. Remember the Golden Rule, ” Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31) You can ask people about what they appreciate from their culture or heritage and listen respectfully. Join Dr. Alveda King in honoring her uncle’s legacy.

Respecting Life

Respecting Life

On Friday, the March for Life encouraged millions of people to restore the respect for the unborn. The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that we are all created equal. The first right mentioned is the right to life. The Supreme Court denied this right to the pre-born since the 1972 Roe v Wade decision. This resulted in about 62 million deaths by abortion in the USA. I believe one day, the courts will reverse this decision and mothers will treat children in the womb as gifts from God.

How can you help respect life? You can volunteer or donate to Pro-Life charities. Please urge your representatives to pass laws that better protect women and children. You can offer compassion to women considering abortion and those that had one.

For more information on respecting people and the right to life, see my Pro-Life page.

Jesus respected the right to choose so much, that he gave His life and resurrected on the third day so that everyone would have the choice to choose life and not death. For more information see my page on Christianity.

Repecting People - Love Jesus
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Recycling news, people, and things

Last updated on February 9th, 2020

This past week I saw recycling in the news in a few different ways. Three ways include recycled political news, recycling people through prison reform at a correctional facility in Chesapeake, VA, and new online guidelines for recycling waste in Hampton Roads.

Recycled Political News

With the impeachment hearings, there has been a lot of recycled news and opionions. Democrat politicians and liberal media sources recycle the narritive that Trump must have done something wrong worthy of impeachment. This is despite there being no evidence revealed of a crime being comitted. Republican politicians and conservative media sources recycle the point that the inquiry designed by the Democratic majority unfairly limits their ability to investigate. If your political conversations seem to go in circles, you may want to check out the book, “I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations.”

More on Conservative Politics

Recycling People

Most states designed prison/jail systems in the United States primarily and sometimes solely as a penal system. They simply punish those who broke the law.  The better places use a corrections institute concept where prisons also give training to prevent future law breaking. 

I saw a sign on a used car dealership: “Jesus recycles people, we recycle cars.” We should design prison systems to deter criminal activity. There are lots of Christian charities that help reform prisoners while they are in prison. For example, Good News Jail and Prison Ministry – Hampton Roads Regional Jail and Saints Prison Ministry. Also they partner with chuches like Tidewater Baptist. Some help them before and after they get out; like Prison Fellowship. Some prisons do more of this than others.

One example is the Chesapeake, VA system; The Virginian-Pilot Digital Edition wrote a piece about it: Law & order: Hampton Roads. Also consider the Democratic Virginia Attourney General from The Virginian-Pilot Digital Edition: Justice reform needs to be a priority in Virginia.

More on Government Stewardship.

Recycling Stuff

Hampton Roads Recycling Guide – Have you been guilty of throwing trash into recycling bins? That is a waste of time, energy, and money. If it happens enough, the contamination could result in a lot be unrecyclable. When done right, re-using, reducing, and recycling conserves resources. General guideline is to only put paper, drinking bottles, and cans into recycling, but additional rules can apply. Avoid wishful recycling, only put in what will help.

More on Environmental Stewardship.

Recycling news, people, and things
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Juneteenth 2019 – Human rights remembrance

Last updated on February 9th, 2020

On June 19th, 2019, some will celebrate Juneteenth. We remember that on June 19th, 1865 the last African American slaves in the USA were freed. Though slavery (human trafficking) is not legal in the USA, it is legal in some other countries. We should celebrate victories, then continue the fight for human rights. After slavery was ended, there remained inequality in other civil rights. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal civil rights.

In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court went against the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and judicial precedent and decided to revoke the right to life for the unborn and make up a “right” to assassination in privacy. Dr. Alveda King, continues the fight for civil rights by working to restore the right to life.

A child may be unplanned by their parents, but nobody is unplanned by their creator. As the Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
” Jeremiah 1:5a (NIV)

More Pro-Life Resources.

Juneteenth 2019 - remembering the fight for equal rights -help pregant women choose life
Is this not a son or daughter? When do human rights begin?

Next, you can read more about Juneteenth.

Juneteenth 2019 – remembering the fight for equal rights

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Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment

Last updated on February 9th, 2020

Democratic Party leaders promote expanding gun control restrictions on gun ownership and related sales.  While they say it should improve public safety, research shows it normally makes places less safe.  Democrats have run cities like Chicago and Baltimore for years and have very restrictive gun laws, but remain high crime areas.  One reason is because law abiding citizens cannot defend themselves or others against criminals with guns. 

Gun Control in line with the Second Amendment

The United States Constitution had a series of amendments, the first ten they collected in the Bill of Rights. It states in the second amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Guns in the hands of the righteous and good citizens is a deterrent to violence from the wicked. Also it is useful in the prevention of tyranny. In the event of someone taking evil actions with guns, the righteous can stop their violence better with weapons.

Crime rates go down when responsible gun ownership and concealed carry permits go up.  Spending government money to confiscate or buy guns from law abiding citizens is a waste of money and resources.  They would be better off with qualifying and paying part time deputies to patrol high-crime areas in those cities.  Also, please promote the enforcement of existing laws to ensure background checks prevent criminals from easily purchasing guns.

We cannot prevent gun violence by limiting the responsible ownership of guns. A righteous person with a gun is most likely to stop someone with evil on their mind with a gun.

We can reduce violence by encouraging moral character that honors God. Also we should teach healthy ways to manage stress and conflict in our schools.

Pursuit of happiness

The authors of the U.S. Declaration of Independence wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.

The “Pursuit of happiness” was about seeking to live a righteous life that sought the welfare of others including community and nation as written in Leviticus 19:18 and expounded on by Jesus in Matthew 22:36-40 and Mark 12:28-34, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As the love of Jesus increases, violence and wickedness decrease.

Let us encourage more civil discourse on politics and/or religion like Dan Crenshaw. Politicians and pundits across the political spectrum sometimes resort to name calling. Also they attack the character of those who disagree with their perspective. Some rudely interrupt others. I took a course on rhetoric in college. It emphasized the importance in presentation skills when presenting a topic, but it avoided debating. What our middle schools and high schools need are some lessons in healthy debate. Also they could use lessons in respectful dialogue on politics and religion.

Lots more people have died in Chicago from gun violence, where they have stricter gun control laws than Virginia Beach. Next you can check out the Virginia Beach Virginia Senate candidates comments on gun control in light of the recent shooting violence in Virginia Beach.

Additional resources

My page on Government Stewardship.

Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment - Good Government Stewardship

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2019 Virginia Beach Conservative Candidates

Last updated on February 9th, 2020

I was not able to find another easy listing of 2019 Virginia Beach conservative candidates running for office. Therefore, I decided to collect a list on this page.  According to their bylaws, the Republican Party of Virginia Beach cannot fund advertising for candidates for non-partisan races.  In contrast, I am happy to devote some of my resources to do so.

By conservative I mean those who wish to conserve what is good and limit the size of government to the essentials. Also those who consider themselves Republican or Libertarian.  Furthermore, this would exclude those who consider themselves liberal or progressive. For a deeper understanding of the differences, check out “The Great Divide: Why liberals and conservatives will never, ever agree” by William D. Gairdener.

“19 Don’t turn away God’s Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 (CEV)

(PDF) for printing and taking to the polling stations.

2019 Virginia Beach conservative candidates for
city office

City Council of Virginia Beach

Councilman Michael Berlucchi – Rose Hall District (Facebook)

Richard “RK” Kowalewitch for VB City Council, Beach District (Facebook)

Rosemary Wilson for VB City Council, Beach District (Facebook)

Clerk of Court

Tina Sinnen – Clerk of Court candidate.

Treasurer of Virginia Beach

Leigh Henderson For Treasurer of Virginia Beach. (Facebook)

Also check out this article about the Virginia Beach city treasurer race in the Princess Anne Independent News.

Virginia Beach School Board

Robert K. Dean – Rose Hall District special election (Facebook)
Stephen Johnson – Rose Hall District special election (Facebook)

Current Virginia Beach Republican Virginia Assembly representatives

Delegate Barry Knight – 81st House District. (Facebook)

Delegate Jason S. Miyares – 82nd House District

Delegate Chris Stolle – 83rd House District. (Facebook)

Delegate Glenn Davis – 84th House District. (Facebook)

2019 Virginia Beach conservative senate candidates

Virginia Senate conservative Virginia Beach candidates

Jen Kiggans – 7th District Virginia Senate candidate. (Facebook)

Senator Bill DeSteph – 8th District Virginia Senate conservative candidate. (Facebook)

2019 Virginia Beach conservative delegate candidates

Shannon Kane is running for Delegate in the 21st House District (Facebook)

Rocky Holcomb is running for Delegate in the 85th House District. (Facebook)

Also check out The Virginian-Pilot article discussing their Virginia Senate primary race. Then check out their comments on gun control in light of the recent shooting violence in Virginia Beach.

Also check out my thoughts on gun violence.

Soil and Water Conservation District Director

There are 2 at-large spots open.

Leslie Jones is a current conservative director. (Facebook)

Here are two that seem conservative and qualified.

John Dickie – best connected with community relations

Bill Fleming – best education qualified candidate

Read more about them at the Princess Anne Independent News.

Other Conservative Candidates in Virginia

Colleen Holcomb For Delegate in Virginia’s 91st district in Hampton

Additional resources for Virginia Beach Conservatives

My page on Government Stewardship.

Voter issues that can help Republicans win.

Also you may want to check out some Republican groups on Facebook. Virginia Beach Young Republicans
Virginia Beach Republicans

Also you may want to help with the RPV Second Congressional District Committee.

Please check out the Family Foundation of Virginia.

(PDF) for printing and taking to the polling stations.

See also the official 2019 Virginia Beach elections 2019 Candidate listing (PDF)

Finally, please let me know of any other conservatives in Virginia Beach running for election in 2019. I hope this list helps you elect Libertarian and Republican candidates for Virginia Beach Clerk of Court, Treasurer, and other local and state offices.

This collection has not been paid for or put together by any candidate or campaign.

2019 Virginia Beach Conservative

You may also be interested in these good Books, Authors, and Publishers

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2019 Weekend – Promoting rights

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

Mourning the loss of life

At the start of the weekend, millions of Americans mourned the loss of more than 60 million babies through abortion in America. Tens of thousands participated in the March for Life. I am grateful for the progress made under President Trump in reducing government funding of abortion. Also I pray more progress will be made in restoring the right to life in my lifetime.

Protesting the protection of life

Today, thousands gathered in Washington D.C. to protest against President Trump and promote immoral sexual choices including using abortion to kill children in the womb. Also Planned Parenthood and associated organizations want to prevent children from receiving their God-given right to life outside the womb.

Remembering a life of service

On Monday, we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was an ordained Christian minister. It is sad the Washington memorial to him left out the importance of his faith in Jesus Christ as the inspiration and source of his work. He promoted peaceful protests to achieve equal rights before the law for non-white people. Also his desire was that we would judge people not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character. I am sure he would condemn the murder of children through abortion and sexual immorality promoted by liberal politicians and activists. His niece, Alveda King, continues the fight for civil rights by working to restore the right to life.

Protecting the right to life

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” Proverbs 31:8

This month the Democratic lead House of Representatives passed a bill that would require the federal government to fund abortion overseas. Also the Republican lead Senate failed to pass a bill that would prohibit the federal government from funding abortion. This would make the Hyde Amendment permanent. Both bills had narrow margins. Please contact your representatives to let them know you do not want your taxes to pay for the killing of children in the womb through abortion.

U.S. Senate …..U.S. House of Representatives

Finally, check out these Pro-Life resources.

Martin Luther King Jr. 2019 for the love of Christ

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Vote November 6th 2018

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

There is a Christian responsibility to vote November 6th 2018 for the more godly and honorable candidates for election.  The very term election originated in voting for the person that is more devout to the Christian faith and more likely to be part of the elect of God, those who have been reborn in Christ.  Surveys by George Barna indicate that those who rarely attend church or consider themselves Christians not committed to evangelism, Barna would categorize as born again. They tend not to vote or to vote based on non-biblical and secular standards.  These are marks of immaturity in Christian discipleship. They are swayed by the liberal media and false advertising. In the USA, surveys estimate between 30% and 50% of the population consists of born again Christians.

Additionally, those mature in the Christian faith, Barna categorizes as evangelical.  They have a commitment to living their lives on biblical principles and standards.  Also they demonstrate a devotion to God that includes showing God’s love by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They tend to educate themselves on the candidate’s positions in light of biblical truth and standards. In the USA, there are estimated between 8% and 15% are considered evangelicals.

Vote November 6th 2018 from a biblical and Christian perspective

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Some churches make efforts to avoid talking about politics. Others encourage voter registration drives.  Even further, some distribute voter guides or even talk about biblical values in the pulpit.  If our government is to become more civil and fiscally conservative, more Christians need to encourage others to vote with biblical convictions. We need to encourage one another to vote smart. We need to be better stewards of government and vote November 6th 2018!

Finally, The Republican Party may not perfect, but the Party Platform includes a push to restore the right to life.  There are voter issues we should discuss and encourage others to consider from a Christian perspective.  Take time to talk about the election, pray for wisdom, vote, and pray for our government leaders.


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Virginia Beach Republican Candidates 2018

Last updated on November 17th, 2019

I was not able to find another easy listing of Virginia Beach conservative candidates running for office in 2018. Therefore, I decided to collect a list on this page.  According to their bylaws, the Republican Party of Virginia Beach cannot fund advertising for candidates for non-partisan races.  In contrast, I am happy to devote some of my resources to do so. I created a Virginia Beach Republican voter guide printable flyer in PDF format you can print out to offer to people you know in November.  The below list consists of those I have met or heard about. Not authorized by a candidate.

By conservative I mean those that wish to conserve what is good and limit the size of government to the essentials. Also those that consider themselves Republican or Libertarian.  Furthermore, this would exclude those that consider themselves liberal or progressive.

“19 Don’t turn away God’s Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 (CEV)

2018 Virginia Beach Republican City Council candidates

Virginia Beach City Council elections 2018

Bobby Dyer for Mayor

John Moss for At-Large City Council member

Brad Martin for Bayside District

Louis Jones for Bayside District (Facebook)

Richard “RK” Kowalewitch for Beach District (Facebook)

Eric Wray for Centerville District (Facebook)

Susanne Henderson For Lynnhaven District (Facebook)

Jim Wood for Lynnhaven District (Facebook)

Tim Worst for Princess Anne District


You can find out more about where the candidates stand on the top issues facing the city council at the Virginia Pilot online.

Current conservative council member not running for election in 2018, but campaigning for other conservatives

Jessica Abbott representing Kempsville District (Facebook)


2018 Virginia Beach Republican School Board candidates

Virginia Beach School Board elections 2018

Bobby Melatti for At-Large School Board member (Robert Melatti)

Laura King Hughes for At-Large School Board (Facebook)

Stephen Johnston for At-Large School Board (Facebook) from Rose Hall area

Carolyn D. Weems for Bayside District School Board (Facebook)

Kendra Edwards for Beach District School Board (Facebook)

Mary Watson Wales for Lynnhaven District School Board

Paul F Day for Princess Anne District School Board


Also these resources may help you further:

School Board Voter Guide from the Virginia Pilot – just asks about the top issue facing schools

2018 Virginia Beach Elections: Questions for candidates for School Board, Princess Anne District by Independent News

2018 Listing of School Board candidates and brief introduction from The Virginia Pilot

Virginia Beach Republican Candidate for State Offices

Jason S. Miyares for Virginia Assembly Delegate

Virginia Beach Republican Candidates running for National Offices

Second District U.S. Congress – Scott Taylor for House of Representatives

Voter Guide issue stances from Faith and Freedom Coalition:

Issue Scott Taylor Stance
Abortion On Demand Opposes
Trump Tax Cuts Supports
Defund Planned Parenthood Supports
Obamacare Opposes
Sanctuary Cities Opposes
Freedom of Speech for Churches Supports
$2000 Child Tax Credit Supports

Corey Stewart for U.S. Senator from Virginia

Additional resources for Virginia Beach Republicans

My page on Government Stewardship

Voter issues that can help Republicans win in 2018

Also you may want to check out some Republican groups on Facebook like: Virginia Beach Young Republicans
Virginia Beach Republicans

Family Foundation of Virginia

Finally, please let me know of any other conservatives in Virginia Beach running for election in 2018. I hope this list helps you elect Libertarian and Republican candidates for Virginia Beach City Council, School Board, and state and federal offices.

School Board Virginia Beach Republican candidates for City Council, 2018

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